Home. A small word, but with extraordinary meaning. A word that can evoke deep, enduring emotions. A word that can be so incredibly dynamic that to truly define it could take a lifetime. Home can be a place, a person, a feeling. It is so much more than a structure with four walls and a door.
This topic first arose in my classroom through observations of children building houses in the building/design center. It seemed that every day the structures became more complex as the children discussed what exactly it meant to build a home. We all knew that it was important to have one, but we each had unique ideas as to what features made a house a home.
During morning meeting one day I asked my class to help me define the word "home":
M: It's when you live in something.
N: Yea, but only if it has your special stuff.
H: And it's a cozy place! Homes are ALWAYS cozy!
N: If you see a blue bicycle on the porch, that's where home is!
A: It has to have the protection to keep you safe. Like to stop the strong winds!
K: And keep away scary things!
A: And it always has Mommy and Daddy!
Through these discussions we were able to determine what we believe to be essential in creating a home. Most importantly, we need a space that feels safe. We need loved ones present in that space. We need "stuff" that is comforting and can provide joy and entertainment. And we all firmly believed that every living thing needs those three things. It was awe-inspiring to take part in those discussions full of compassion as the children expressed how "even ladybugs want Mommy hugs", and "slimy worms get scared too".
Our curiosity increased as we attempted to better understand how an animal might define it's home. I began to set up provocations around the classroom to observe how the children created and interacted with a variety of animal homes:
To help make our animal homes feel more authentic, we collected natural materials and began designing and building homes in the classroom:
We were so proud of our final products that we decided to relocate them outside. We went back each day the following week to check for signs of animals inhabiting them:
I am hopeful that this will be an ongoing discussion for our class. As we continue to grow and develop, our understanding and definition of the word 'home' may also begin to expand. I look forward to being able to document those future conversations!